Submitted by Lorenzo.Piemonte on Tue, 05/19/2015 - 10:01
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has launched the World Diabetes Day (WDD) 2015 campaign on the occasion of the 68th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva.
Campaign details were released at IDF’s WHA side event “Nourishing development: halting the diabetes epidemic through healthy eating” on May 19.
Co-hosted by Dr Petra Wilson, IDF CEO and Sir Michael Hirst, IDF President, with expert panellists from the WHO, the event focused on healthy eating as a key factor in the fight against diabetes and a cornerstone of health and sustainable development.
Download the event report (pdf, 6MB)
At the event, IDF launched The Framework for Action on Sugar. The framework is IDF’s official response to exploding sugar intake, increasing rates of obesity and the rising tide of diabetes, anticipated to affect 592 million people by 2035, a 53% increase on existing cases.
The Framework calls on national governments to implement policies to reduce sugar consumption and advocates specific measures to increase access to healthy alternatives such as fresh fruit and vegetables and clean drinking water, in order to help prevent new cases of type 2 diabetes. IDF estimates that up to 70% of type 2 diabetes cases could be prevented through lifestyle interventions.
Notably the framework calls for a ban on advertisement of sugar sweetened beverages to children and promotes taxation as part of government incentives to reduce sugar intake. Building on the WHO sugar guidelines released in March this year, IDF also calls for strengthened research to examine direct links between diabetes and sugar with a view to reducing sugar to 5% of daily energy intake (WHO sugar guidelines currently only recommend this as conditional).
On May 19 the WDD website was updated with 2 WDD visuals. IDF’s WHA side event was filmed and clips from that film will be leveraged throughout the campaign.
Two new WDD visuals have been released for the campaign:
Further WDD campaign material will be released from May 19 through to December 2015 in an effort to make WDD a year-long campaign reflecting the realities of dealing with a chronic condition. The next campaign material to be released will be the WDD Guidebook in July and will contain key messages as well as ways to get involved.
World Diabetes Day
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World Diabetes Day is the global diabetes awareness campaign, led by theInternational Diabetes Federation. It is celebrated each year on 14 November.WHO marks International Diabetes Day - YouTube
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There is a killer on the loose in America. It takes over 70000 American lives every year. It CAN be stopped.World Diabetes Day 2015: Some easy-to-cook-delicious ...
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Saturday, November 14
World Diabetes Day 2015World Diabetes Day - International Diabetes Federation
World Diabetes Day (WDD) is the world's largest diabetes awareness campaign with events organised in more than 100 countries in 2014 and dedicated ...World Diabetes Day - International Diabetes Federation
May 19, 2015 - The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has launched the World Diabetes Day (WDD) 2015 campaign on the occasion of the 68th World ...World Diabetes Day - International Diabetes Federation
We are delighted to announce that World Health Day 2016 will be dedicated to diabetes. This announcement was made public by Dr Etienne Krug, WHO ...World Diabetes Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World Diabetes Day is a campaign that features a new theme chosen by theInternational Diabetes Federation each year to address issues facing the global ...World Diabetes Day
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Each year, World Diabetes Day, which is co-ordinated by the International DiabetesFederation (IDF), carries a particular theme and between 2009 and 2013 the ...WHO | World Diabetes Day 2014
Nov 14, 2014 - World Diabetes Day 2014 will promote healthy breakfast activity under its ... World Diabetes Day was created in 1991 by the International ...
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