Monday, 7 December 2015



World Soil Day observations


World Soil Day

World Soil Day is annually held on December 5 to highlight soil's importance on Earth. We need soil for basic survival - food and energy. It is linked with the United Nations' (UN) Year of Soil.
Soil is vital for farming and food security.
© beesley

Deforestation and Bad Farming

Soil is made up of organic remains, clay and rock particles, found on the Earth’s surface. It contributes to food, reduces biodiversity loss, and secures energy. Problems like deforestation, bad agricultural practices and pollution causes soil degradation and erosion.
The UN saw a need to raise awareness about the dangers of soil loss, so it made World Soil Day and official day. It was first celebrated on December 5, 2012, which corresponded with the birthday of Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej, who officially sanctioned the event.

What to Do?

Thousands of soil scientists and organizations, like the International Union of Soil Sciences, promote the day via social media, YouTube videos, and local events to talk about issues such as soil erosion and preserving soil.

What's Open or Closed?

World Soil Day is a global observance and not a public holiday so it's business as usual.

World Soil Day Observances

WeekdayDateYearNameHoliday typeWhere it is observed
WedDec 52012World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
ThuDec 52013World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
FriDec 52014World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
SatDec 52015World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
MonDec 52016World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
TueDec 52017World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
WedDec 52018World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
ThuDec 52019World Soil DayUnited Nations observance 
SatDec 52020World Soil DayUnited Nations observance

World Soil Day!Posted December 5, 2015


Today is World Soil Day!

5th of December marks the day on which the world thinks about one of its most precious and vulnerable resources – fertile soil. 2015 is a special year as it is the International Year of the Soil and the UN FAO – and all their partners – have done a tremendous job to raise awareness and create knowledge about how to Save Our Soils.
When we now transition into 2016 and other aspects start moving into the limelight it is our task to keep the momentum going and to continue working towards global sustainable soil management.
The task at hand is truly herculean, but there is no other way and time is ticking.
On this special day we would like to share a short movie with you, which for us really drives the message home: Let’s Talk About Soil!
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    1. Year of the Soil 2015 -‎
      Help Save Our Soils by donating to the Save Our Soils Fund Now !
      SOS Fund gains momentum · Julia Roberts joins SOS · Become A Partner


    1. Different Type Of Soil‎
      Different Type Of Soil On Alhea.
      Great Results For You on!
    2. New Era - Soil Microbes‎
      Inoculate your soil with 1,000,000
      soil microbes per gram - SEPIXA
    3. Different Types Of Soils‎
      1800 419 1234
      One Stop Solution to Better Grades
      Clear Your Concepts. Free Trial!
    4. Soil‎
      Training videos for farmers.
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    5. World Day‎
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